
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Binge worthy Witchy podcasts


Ok, they did (Thank you to my BFF Tati who doesn't know this blog exists lol) and I have listened to one before, but it was like an audiobook. Actually you should check that out because it's fantastic! ---> We're Alive  ZOOOOOMMMBBBIIIEESS!

Having never been a radio person, I didn't get the whole listening to other people talk to each other thing. Turns out, I just needed to find a subject that I enjoy. The one that I am really eating up is called New World Witchery. The hosts Lain and Cory are so relatable. Not only do they feel like old friends, but they know what they are talking about. Another thing that I really enjoy as a Witch who practiced before children and now practicing with a house full of children and animals, is that they touch on that subject; how different it is being a practitioner with a actual life. Cory also has a whole bunch of spooky stories and folktales on there. I haven't tried those yet, but they are on there if you are interested in that sort of thing.

12/15 I tried out Inciting A Riot with Fire Lyte. I always start with the first episode available and then move to the most recent one. You can really get to know a host this way. I also really enjoy hearing the dramatic difference in how their voice and confidence evolves. But anyhoo, although I really enjoy his way of speaking and the immediate feel of camaraderie, the news aspect wasn't for me. I do however think other people will enjoy this if you start from the most recent episode. I personally am not going to fast forward through an episode to get to the other part of the discussion just because of how my player is and that when I'm listening to a podcast, I'm moving around and doing things. Another aspect about the news bit is that, as a military spouse I don't want to listen to the national/international news. There are far too many wishy washy international issues that could directly affect my family and freaking myself out over a issue isn't on my todo list. I do however check in, I don't want ya'll to think i'm uninformed. Also Also the election just ended and I have been pretty much doing nothing else but watching, listening, and reading about that for the past year and a half and frankly it's out of my hands and I'm burnt out. That's a personal issue, but you may want to give him a try. I will definitely be trying out Inciting a Brewhaha.

Here is a list of podcasts that have been recommended in the Magickal community via the facebook groups BUJO Witches and Witchcraft and Magick. I will update this post as I try out the new ones. Please leave your recommendations and options in the comments below!

Blessed Be- Hazel


The Wigglian Way

Tarot Visions

Ariel's Corner


The Hermit's Lamp

Stirring the Cauldron

Rune Soup

Desperate House Witches

Why Shamanism Now

Paranormal Podcast

Psychic Teachers

Modern Witchcraft

Inciting a Brewhaha

Fat Feminist Witch

Lucky Mojo


  1. Hi.
    I'm just starting this journey, know nothing about witchcraft (besides what you see in movies...)
    What's your advice on the best podcast for me? And any suggestions on sites where I can learn about it?

    Thank you so much.

    1. Hi!! Sorry I haven't been on here in a very long time. We had a surprise baby and it really rocked the boat. New World Witchery would be great for you as a new person. The episodes are labeled really well on subject so it's super easy to skip around and find things that interest you. all the best!

  2. I love this one!

    1. Sorry I haven't been on here in forever! I just saved it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You have to check out Dream Freedom Beauty!!!

  4. You should check out Down at the Crossroads. They are one of my favorites.

  5. I don't know if you're looking for any more recommendations, but I had to share, just in case!

    Missing Witches ( is a fantastic podcast about amazing witches that the history books overlooked, erased, or villainized. Their first ep is all about Pixie Colman Smith!

    And if you're on board for something fictional with a great plot, Kalila Stormfire's Economical Magick Services ( is written and produced (and starring) an actual practicing witch (who is a total sweetheart and brilliant)

  6. Check out the Witch Bitch Amateur Hour as well - for new witches these women are so welcoming and comforting!

  7. Thank you everyone for listing these podcasts! I didn't know how to find them until I clicked on this wonderful and informative website!!


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